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Yaquina Blue

  • (Schreiner, R. 1992). Sdlg. W18-2, TB, 37" (94 cm), M.
    Ruffled medium blue (RHS 96B); beards yellow, tipped white. N59-A: (J78-3: ((Cup Race x Tufted Cloud) x Sailor's Dance) x I 38-A: (Sapphire Hills x (Parisian Blue x ((Blue Linen sib x (J 274-A x Violet Harmony)) x (Swan Ballet x Snowy Heron))))) X L 100-A: (I 144-G: (((((Black Onyx x N 371-1) x Grand Ball) x (Sterling Silver x (((Pierre Menard x (Blue Rhythm x Chivalry)) x Harbor Blue) x (Blue Sapphire x Harbor Blue)))) x unknown) x Neptune's Pool) x G 119-H, Royal Regency sib). HM 1994, AM 1996, Wister 1998, Dykes 2001. Schreiner 1992.

Yaquina Blue

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